Thursday, 28 June 2007

Welcome to my blog!

As this is my first post, I'll start by explaining that I want to use this site to post on a range of subjects related to SFF, including reviews, articles on writing and publishing, and information about my writing. You can get a flavour of my tastes by glancing at the list of my favourite twenty SFF novels on the left - that one took much headscratching to cut down from a much longer list. As you will see, my preferences cover a wide range of both science fiction and fantasy, old and new. As I did most of my reading in the 1960s and early 70s, books from that era still have a strong (if sometimes nostalgic) appeal for me. In my view, SFF is about all about creating that "sense of wonder" (if you'll excuse the cliche) , and I find that tends to be particularly strong in earlier books. Many modern novels often have more literary merit and superior character development, but I don't regard that as adequate compensation if it results in a slow and uninspiring story. As a writer of fiction, I see myself as a storyteller first and foremost - I write the kind of books I like to read.


Phil Gollin said...

Good luck with the blog, Tony.

If I could ask for some advice.

I like (or rather liked) "hard" SF - people like A C Clark, Colin Kapp and Larry Niven. I even liked some of the "harder" cyber fiction of the 80s, but by the early 1990s I had stopped reading SF as too much stuff at the bookshop was fantasy or SF with heavy fantasy overtones.

Could you recommend any "up to date" hard science fiction ?


Anthony G Williams said...

Thanks, Phil. I thought of some "recent" books to suggest but when I checked the publication dates they were all 1980s, which tells you something!

I quite enjoyed John Meaney's Nulapeiron trilogy: Paradox, Context and Resolution. You might also wish to try Alastair Reynolds (e.g. Chasm City) and Iain M Banks (the Culture series). However, these books are all quite massive and complex by the standards of the "golden age" novels, so if you want a fast, light read they're not for you. Lighter books which I enjoy are Catherine Asaro's Skolian Empire series (start with 'Primary Inversion') although some are put off by the romance element in the plots.